#$%^&! you and your #$%^&! camera. And your #$%^&! website, too!
Yo, Big Bad Wolf! Little Green Riding Hood here, and I'm not afraid of you.
Bring it on, Wolf Boy.
Arrgh! If me only had an eyepatch
and a parrot on me shoulder I'd be
a perfect pirate.

Okay, here is my cute, adorable, innocent look. I'll even throw in a tear for good measure. If at any time during the day I misbehave, please remember this look and what a precious angel I really am. Thank you.
There ain't room for two
of us in this here town.
Hey! I'm a cute, adorable angel too, right? Right?

Bwwaahaahaahaa! I have colors!
Now my super evil plan is complete.
Drat you Rae Lynn! You'll never get away with it!

Share my Tic-Tac's? Seriously?
What? No, no, I don't know who ate all
the Doritos. Why do you ask?
In fact, it's been so long since I ate anything that I'm just shriveling away. See, look at my empty tummy.

Me can has candy?
No? Ok, me can has Coke?
No? Ok, me can has Pepsi?

Darn it, Miranda's taking pictures now. Thanks a lot, Tami.
Shhh. Zee arteest is at work.

Aunt Alma, will you pose for me?
Sure thing, darling. How's this?
I coulda had a V8.

Get this, he said they had sixteen inches of rain this year.
As if!
Why doesn't anyone believe me when I say that?

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