Remember when you were kids and you thought we made fun of you when we were speaking German? Well, we were. Ha, ha, ha! And you never figured it out. Ha, ha, ha.  
Wow, Aunt Alma is getting really good at those pull ups.

Sure, I'll smile. But these rumors I'm hearing about a website and captions better not be true. Got it?
And here we have captured on film a very
rare sight in nature. Sisters getting along!
At last, scientific proof that it does happen.
Oh, no. She's taking another picture of me, I just know it. I wonder what kind of caption I'll get this time. @#$%&*

Okay, girls I'll tell you the secret to annoying grownups. First, you need a camera; then you need to learn to spell so you can write captions.
  "Should we tell her she's about to back into a big hole while taking this picture?" "Nope, keep smiling and act natural."

And this is how I auditioned for the part of Mary in the Christmas Pageant.
Hey! I just heard that ice cream helps you lose weight.
I'm buying everybody!

Will someone please feed this child? She's doing ketchup shots.
A chicken strip, a chicken strip!
My kingdom for a chicken strip!
Or a french fry, I'd give my kingdom for a french fry too.

I've got my water and my ketchup. That's all I need, my water and my ketchup. And a chicken strip, but that's it. My water, my ketchup and a chicken strip... and some ice cream.
Hey, Tami. This should
embarrass my mom, huh?
Orange you glad I didn't say "apple"? Ha, ha, ha. Isn't that hilarious?

And zees is how we eat zee sprinkles.
If those were my kids...
I'd put undershirts on them.