Here we go -- our adventure begins!

Yo, homey -- wassup? You like my gangsta hat?

May I have this dance?

My Spidey-sense is tingling.

Me jump?

Take the picture will ya? This hay is itchy!

Nope, I checked. Still itchy.

Sigh -- the strenuous life of a supermodel.
The exotic locations, keeping my hair looking just so, watching my figure.
Then there are these darn humans they make me work with.

Who says girls can't climb?

This will look great on my Facebook page.

This will look great on my Wii.

Me, I mean I, I mean my...
oh darn it, me happy!

OK, Tami. Now that you are on top of the corral,
what you want to do is dive off headfirst... Really, it's a piece of cake. I've done it a thousand times.

Charlie's Angels, minus two.

Ahhh, all this climbing makes me sleepy.

Is this adventure over yet?

I am a princess, and as such
I demand to be carried.

That's more like it. Chop, chop!

Look Ma, no hands!

Chillin' on the wall. Literally.
